What parent wouldn't brave thousands of square feet of fluorescent-lit warehouse crammed full of random vendors & hawkers, inflatable jump rooms, hyper kindergartners, and parents with neck tattoos just to get some free shit?
We watched a juggler in a sparkly vest, we visited an underwhelming baby section that featured a couple of deflated beach balls and some multi-colored cushion mats, we missed the Irish Dancers by mere seconds, and watched a lady in striped pants give a superbly condescending presentation on dog safety while her dog sidekick slept. We marveled at the long line of people waiting to get into the "grocery area" where it looked like they were getting free samples of Froot Loops and string cheese. Hey, times are tough.
Auden had the most fun at a "book nook" booth that had been deserted, running through the green curtains again and again, squealing with pleasure. Oh, and the baby goat was pretty cute, too.
Here's me with the kid:
And here's the kid with a kid:
I'm not sure what we came away with... some coupons and a squishy frisbee, I think. And some cute diaper covers that were cheaper than the Thirsties I was just about to order.
I kept thinking, surely there's something cool -- let's just look over there! no, over there! maybe there? -- until I accepted that it was just a big advertisement and that the wires running to the stages were more appealing to my child than any of the performances.
Okay, here's looking forward to Kidfest 2010!
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